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Fostering transformative climate governance? The potential of multilevel climate and energy

13 Feb 2024

The assessment finds substantial weaknesses in the implementation of the dialogues and in the quality of Member State reporting. [...] The evaluation not only provides an overview of the implementation progress and gaps of the dialogues to date, but also yields information on the quality of the reporting which can inform the revision of the GovReg and the EUCL expected to be taking place in 2024/2025. [...] In the recital text of the Regulation, information about the dialogues largely repeats the language of the article but adds a specific mention of LTSs as a subject for the dialogues and explains that the dialogues should be “permanent” – as opposed to one off. [...] 4i-TRACTION Assessment of Multilevel Climate and Energy Dialogues 23 e Figure 1 Annex XXIII of the Implementing Regulation (EU 2022/2299) Under this criterion, we aimed to check a) for timely delivery of the submission against the deadline of 15th March, and b) the completeness of the submissions compared against the template in Annex XXIII as well as c) the general length of the submitted texts a. [...] We nevertheless consider the permanence aspect in our assessment, as the inclusion of the term in the GovReg signifies the importance of maintaining a continuous and enduring dialogue through the MLCEDs, rather than a one-off exercise.
eu governance regulation; multilevel climate and energy dialouges; climate gover


Ricarda Faber;Deyana Kocher;Matthias Duwe

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