cover image: WP11 Appendix How do we make trade policy in Britain? How should we?


WP11 Appendix How do we make trade policy in Britain? How should we?

15 Feb 2024

The topics covered a wide range of trade policy with online sessions on • The impact of UK trade policy on the rest of the world • Balancing trade between territories and sectors of the economy • Privacy and data transfer • Food and the environment The face-to-face session dealt with four issues, one from each of the four topic areas and with a specific ques8on, plus an introduc8on and a wrap-up s. [...] The other one, based on a Corpus Linguis8c approach, analysed the co-occurrence of words and syntax in the data and was conducted for us by the Concept Analy8cs Laboratory in the University of Sussex. [...] Figure 2 compares the rela8ve frequency with which par8cular adjec8ves and possessive pronouns are associated with each term – on the leO words used more for business services and on the right for agriculture.3 The size of the bubbles reflects the number of occurrences of the word anywhere in the transcripts. [...] why not give the public a more prominent role in decisions? The responses suggested a strong desire for the public to be informed and to be heard but less for a role in decision-making, the public’s lack of informa8on/experience pushing one way and its closeness to the issues the other. [...] While it was not our objec8ve in the Ci8zen Juries to educate, it is detectable that over the course of the programme a number of people commented on how much they learned, how complicated trade was and how they came to appreciate the complexi8es of the balances that needed to be struck.


Kate Orton

Published in
United Kingdom