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Report Toxic arvest H - The rise of forever pesticides in fruit and vegetables in Europe

28 Feb 2024

Report Toxic arvestH The rise of forever pesticides in fruit and vegetables in Europe February 2024 Summary Fruit and vegetables in Europe are increasingly In 2021, the Member States that produced fruit contaminated with PFAS pesticide residues. [...] and vegetables most frequently contaminated This is shown in the analysis of official data with PFAS pesticide residues were the from the national monitoring programmes of Netherlands (27%), Belgium (27%), Austria pesticide residues in food in Member States. [...] Among The number of European fruit and vegetables imported fruit and vegetables, those most likely with detected PFAS pesticide residues has to contain residues of PFAS pesticides came nearly tripled between 2011 and 2021, with a from Costa Rica (41%), India (38%), South Africa growth rate of 220% for fruit and of 247% for (28%), Colombia (26%) and Morocco (24%). [...] The ongoing accumulation of PFAS contaminated European-grown fruit (20%) often in soils, waters and the food chain, along with contain cocktails of PFAS pesticide residues, with other chemical substances or “chemical cocktails”, up to four different PFAS pesticides detected in pose long-term risks to human health and the a single sample of strawberries and table grapes, environment. [...] 63 The Netherlands: PFAS residues in fruit and vegetables.
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