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Two Years On - An Analysis of Russian State and Pro-Kremlin Information

23 Feb 2024

During the lead-up to and the start of the invasion during the first quarter of 2022, the website In October 2022, ISD research on the effectiveness of of Russia Today Arabic (RT Arabic) had 105 million total the sanctions in the European Union showed that site visits (28 million more than al-Jazeera) and outpaced other visits decreased substantially across traffic source types, pan-Arab regional. [...] Data from Similarweb shows more than 55 percent of In the MENA region, the reach of Russian state media is the audience to the Sputnik Arabic website are men similarly significant, especially in the initial phase of the between the ages of 18-34. [...] This included videos 14 Two Years On: An Analysis of Russian state and Pro-Kremlin Information Warfare in the Context of the Invasion of Ukraine Vulnerabilities Two years after the Russian invasion of Ukraine, united action by Western governments is desperately needed Facebook and X posts to decisively tip the military balance and enable Ukraine 2022 to repel the Russian invasion and occupation. [...] Carlson accused media outlets in the US of “lying” to support for Ukraine would be a game-changer for Russia the population about the causes of the war and conducting that would enable it to shift the military balance in Ukraine propaganda on behalf of Ukraine. [...] The report looks ahead to four key areas of vulner- ability in Germany, the US, the European Union and non-Western countries that could be exploited by Russian state and pro-Kremlin propaganda to undermine both international support for Ukraine and the political standing of the West.
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United Kingdom