cover image: Open letter - Unique opportunities to unlock the potential of social economy in making the green transition a just one.


Open letter - Unique opportunities to unlock the potential of social economy in making the green transition a just one.

14 Mar 2024

Therefore, the European Union should use the ongoing revision of the Waste Framework Directive (WFD) and the upcoming Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Schemes for textiles to preserve and enhance the social economy’s vital role in driving forward a more inclusive and sustainable textile value chain and society at large. [...] The European Commission’s proposal for the WFD revision included several positive provisions regarding the involvement of social enterprises in the re-use and preparing for re-use of textiles. [...] Yet, a lot is still at stake as the legislative process moves toward the EP plenary vote, the Council’s general approach and the trilogues. [...] They disregard the distinct nature and ethos of the social economy and the higher upfront cost compared to commercial actors. [...] To actually “level the playing field” and give social economy a chance to live up to its potential in making the green transition a just one in the area of textiles, we jointly call upon EU policymakers to: • Uphold all positive provisions on the social enterprises’ role in the collection and management of used and waste textiles that the European Commission included in its proposal for a WFD revi.
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