cover image: Spreading success: Why Australia should trial multi-school organisations


Spreading success: Why Australia should trial multi-school organisations

15 Mar 2024

Each has a clear blueprint for running an in workplaces that lack the resources and know-how to provide the effective school, and the authority to enact this blueprint across multiple training and career development essential for a strong profession. [...] Effective multi-school organisations make a big difference for ∙ Governments play a key role in setting public expectations for principals, teachers, and students schools, and establishing the policies and regulatory frameworks ∙ MSOs can give principals practical support to help them focus on that ensure multi-school organisations genuinely add value to the teaching and learning, and to support t. [...] staff.13 You’re there to make the best school and the best local community And the challenges for principals in Australia’s many small schools can that you can, and the pressures that come with that can be extremely overwhelming from time to time. [...] The authority of an MSO’s executive leadership to provide this And while supervisors can offer improvement advice to individual guidance and support distinguishes MSOs from the relationship principals, high levels of school autonomy in some states and sectors between stand-alone schools and education departments or their can make it very hard to be directive, especially in relation to teaching reg. [...] Their schools ranged from highly disadvantaged whom are economically disadvantaged and from minority groups.c schools, to schools in more affluent areas and even different school As well as charter management organisations, Grattan visited an sectors – one of the MSOs we studied includes a mix of government MSO in the Catholic sector, and an organisation providing support and independent schools.
school education, education policy, policy


Jordana Hunter, Amy Haywood, Nick Parkinson

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