cover image: Productivity Puzzles, Long Tails and Productivity Heroes: developing a


Productivity Puzzles, Long Tails and Productivity Heroes: developing a

20 Feb 2024

Most firms struggled to significantly increase turnover, jobs and productivity simultaneously, and crucially the analysis showed that the only ‘space’ where the growth in turnover, jobs and productivity are all positive is sparsely populated, accounting for less than one in ten of the surviving panel of firms. [...] The study showed that the only ‘space’ where the growth in turnover, jobs and productivity are all positive is sparsely populated, accounting for only 9% of the surviving panel of firms. [...] So, in 2021-22 SIC70-74 (section K) is Business and Professional Services Just over a third of Productivity Heroes in 2021-22 are located in London and the South East (37%) but only one in ten are to be found in all three of the UK’s home nations with Northern Ireland having the fewest number (Table 6). [...] To that end the next stage of our research into this small group of influential firms is to track their performance over time to investigate the persistence of their productivity gains over time and indeed, looking back, identify in what year the 2021-22 cohort of Productivity Heroes first met the criteria. [...] The use of the ONS statistical data in this work does not imply the endorsement of the ONS in relation to the interpretation or analysis of the statistical data.



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