cover image: Chapter 5 - Differences in Life Satisfaction among Older Adults in India


Chapter 5 - Differences in Life Satisfaction among Older Adults in India

18 Mar 2024

Physical inactivity was determine the relative importance of independent prevalent among 72% of older adults, and 23% variables in explaining the variation in the out- faced difficulty with Activities of Daily Living come variable.24 Here, we used the DA method (ADL), while 48% encountered challenges with developed by Budescu with the older adults’ life Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IAD. [...] Women, emotional facet of SWB, self-esteem and life in general, possess wider and more diverse social satisfaction capture the cognitive appraisal of networks, including a greater number of friends one’s sense of self and life overall.27 and confidants,39 which likely translates into not only more social support but diverse forms of it. [...] and life satisfaction also corroborates the findings in Chapter 2 of this report, which reveals an We also find that a greater proportion of older overall improvement in the levels of life satisfaction adults in our sample report being married and at higher ages in the global sample of older adults socially active, which may mean greater social and among those living in South Asian countries. [...] Educational Differences in Life Satisfaction Caste and Life Satisfaction We found a significant association between educational status and life satisfaction among Like in the case of social class, caste can older adults in India. [...] Gender Differences in Factors Networks in Late Middle Age: The Extension of Gender and Affecting Life Satisfaction of the Elderly with Multimorbidity in Educational Differences.
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