cover image: The Costs of Building Walls: Immigration and the Fiscal Burden of Aging in Europe


The Costs of Building Walls: Immigration and the Fiscal Burden of Aging in Europe

23 Feb 2024

Age Distribution of the Population Stock and the Immigration Flow to the EU in 2019 Note: Each gray bar represents the percentage of the resident population in the EU belonging to a specific age group in 2019. [...] We also discuss the population projection that we use to forecast the counterfactual evolution of the primary balance and, ultimately, to assess the role of immigration in the public finances balance. [...] 12 When we decompose the primary balance by age groups, we find that the young and the elderly populations are net receivers of the government budget, while the working-age population is a net contributor to the budget. [...] Since the debt’s value is much smaller compared to the size of the present discounted value of the stream of revenues and expenditures, changing D increases both the numerator and the denominator essentially in the same proportion. [...] In Appendix E.2, we compute θτ for different assumptions of the fertility rate of the immigrants as well as the frontier between the imbalance factor and the level of migration.
Published in
United States of America