cover image: RECLAIM - European Role Models - Resilient Women in Digital Space: Feminist Foreign and Local Politics


RECLAIM - European Role Models - Resilient Women in Digital Space: Feminist Foreign and Local Politics

12 Feb 2024

Consulting with and RECLAIM role model: Katerina Charokopou engaging diverse groups of women and girls and other marginalized and affect- ed groups in policy discussions and dialogue is the appropriate and smart way The Greek National Commission for Human Rights (GNCHR), as the indepen- to combat discriminations, but also to reduce inequality and poverty and build dent advisory body to the State o. [...] positions in both public and private sector, the GNCHR decided to organize a campaign for the equal representation of women in political life on the oc- casion of the national and local elections. [...] The institu- Women in Foreign Services tional provision is often sufficient, but in order to fulfil the internal and external dimension of the governments’ gender equality strategy, the countries must RECLAIM role model: Kateřina Kočí use the relevant programmes (including the EU operational programmes) and thus strengthen the capacities for coordination and raising awareness of gender The issue o. [...] This study pointed out Your three main recommendations for women in foreign policy, but the specifics of foreign service that related to equal opportunities, especially the maybe used in any local institution as well: influence of the traditional patriarchal perception of the role of women in the family and in society, problems with placing children in schools, and the prob- lematic situation of s. [...] This in the political sphere; lack of awareness about the existing mechanisms of includes, for example, the possibility of more frequent use of flexible working persecuting the perpetrators and brutalization of public life, especially in so- hours with a choice of the beginning and end of working hours (so-called slid- cial media.
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