cover image: Brief n. 1/marzo 2024  - The Westphalian Hamas (and Iranian) strategy


Brief n. 1/marzo 2024 - The Westphalian Hamas (and Iranian) strategy

6 Mar 2024

On January 21, 2024, Hamas released the "Our Narrative" document, officially claiming its goal for the 10/7 attack of "stopping the expansion of West Bank 9 settlements and bringing an end to the blockade of the Gaza Strip” , and asserting that it was “a necessary step and a normal response to confront all Israeli conspiracies against the 10 Palestinian people and their cause”. [...] In fact, all the acts of cruel violence that the Israeli civilians experienced as a result of the 10/7 attack are under the moral, legal, and political responsibility of Hamas, including those in which they were not directly involved, because their decision to breach the defensive fence protecting the State of Israel facilitated the entrance of thousands of additional armed violent Palestinians fr. [...] Hamas said the war is designed "to stop the Israeli plan to control the area and to Judaize it and to harm the Al-Aqsa Mosque." With regard to Gaza, the organization claimed that the enclave had "been turned into the world's largest open-air prison" and that the war "was 14 necessary to end the blockade ”. [...] Hudhayfah expresses regret because it is precisely for these false ideals, according to Daesh, that the Palestinian fighters 17 OSINTdefender, “ISIS has now claimed Responsibility for the Suicide Bombing yesterday on the Memorial Route for the Assassination of Qasem Soleimani within the City of Kerman, Iran which resulted in the Death of close to 200 Iranians; ISIS in a Statement claimed the Bombi. [...] He calls Mahmoud Abbas (the head of the Palestinian Authority) the ‘guardian of the United States’ and Hamas the ‘guardian of 22 Iran’”.



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