Summary of the Synthesis of Deliberations


Summary of the Synthesis of Deliberations

8 Mar 2024

Summary of the Synthesis of Deliberations of the eighth global meeting of the Farmers’ Forum 12–13 February 2024 Honourable Governors of the International Fund for Agricultural Development, in the current context of multiple and intersecting crises, we believe that IFAD has the potential to play a major role in strengthening the capacity of food producers to provide sufficient and healthy food for. [...] Building on the positive results of the last 20 years of partnership, we believe it is essential, given the key role of IFAD, to: • Include representatives of farmers’ organizations in IFAD’s governance structure, including through participation with observer status on the Executive Board, as already expressed in the Synthesis of Deliberations of the Farmers’ Forum of 2020; • Strengthen the autono. [...] Regarding the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Peasants and Other People Working in Rural Areas, we ask IFAD to integrate the Declaration into all its programmes as a tool and to support its implementation, by funding specific programmes at regional and country levels, and by engaging proactively in the United Nations working group on the rights of peasants and in all other relevant Uni. [...] Finally, we ask IFAD to support the multilateral system in a general manner and to integrate the policies of the Committee on World Food Security into all its programmes and into the processes of the Farmers’ Forum. [...] In conclusion, we are determined to strengthen our dialogue with IFAD, and to mobilize in order to support the replenishment of IFAD’s funds, and to work together for a greater commitment from governments to respond to the current global crisis.



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