cover image: A guide for people living with breast cancer


A guide for people living with breast cancer

6 Feb 2024

BREAST CANCER AND YOU 1 A guide for people living with breast cancer | Seventh Edition BREAST CANCER AND YOU A guide for people living with breast cancer | Seventh Edition UNDERSTANDING BREAST CANCER Understanding Breast Cancer THE NORMAL BREAST Women and men both have breast tissue, but breast tissue is greater in women compared to men. [...] 8 Understanding Breast Cancer BREAST CANCER AND YOU BREAST CANCER AND YOU A guide for people living with breast cancer | Seventh Edition A guide for people living with breast cancer | Seventh Edition BREAST CANCER IN MEN Breast cancer in men is like breast cancer in post-menopausal women. [...] BREAST CANCER AND YOU BREAST CANCER AND YOU Understanding Breast Cancer 9 A guide for people living with breast cancer | Seventh Edition A guide for people living with breast cancer | Seventh Edition NOTES 10 Understanding Breast Cancer BREAST CANCER AND YOU A guide for people living with breast cancer | Seventh Edition SCREENING FOR BREAST CANCER Screening for Breast Cancer Many people who experi. [...] • It is important to get breast screening for women aged 50 or more every 2 years 16 Screening for Breast Cancer BREAST CANCER AND YOU BREAST CANCER AND YOU A guide for people living with breast cancer | Seventh Edition A guide for people living with breast cancer | Seventh Edition DIAGNOSIS AND STAGING OF BREAST CANCER Diagnosis and Staging of Breast Cancer “I FOUND A LUMP IN MY BREAST…” The tiss. [...] Types of breast cancer The affected cell type in the breasts defines the type of breast cancer.48 The most common type of breast cancer is adenocarcinoma, meaning that the cancer originates in the glands of the breast.
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