cover image: Working Paper No. 2024-02 - 18 March 2024 - Measuring artificial intelligence:


Working Paper No. 2024-02 - 18 March 2024 - Measuring artificial intelligence:

20 Mar 2024

The WIPO approach shows the highest agreement with the other groups, and the similarity of the WIPO-Keyword pair and the Science- USPTO increased most strongly over time. [...] Towards the end of the time period, the decline in the generality of the Keyword and USPTO methods needs to be considered with caution, as the number of citations of recently granted patents is lower given the time needed for innovations to be cited. [...] In Table 3, we show the average citation lags of our AI samples, given by the average number of years between the grant year of a patent and the patents citing the patent. [...] The four-firm (eight-firm) CR is given by the share of patents filed by the top-four (top-eight) firms inventing AI, and the HHI is given by the sum of squares of the share of AI patents produced by each firm. [...] Fourth, the performance of the different approaches to capture the GPTness of AI may be specific for the time period (1990-2019), while the future of AI may be influenced by the decisions made today (Bresnahan, 2023; Goldfarb et al., 2023).
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United Kingdom