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26 Feb 2024

The APO extends sincere gratitude to Chief Expert Kyu Hwang Yeon, Investment Director, Apple Adventure, Seoul, Republic of Korea, and the national experts from the Republic of China, Japan, the Republic of Korea, and Singapore who conducted the research and wrote this publication. [...] On the other hand, the strategy of leveraging the extensive financial support and relief policies offered by governments showed the least adoption, necessitating a revision of the hypothesis set at the beginning of this case study. [...] Further, the company established the position of ‘Bridge Engineer’ to bridge the gap between the manufacturing floor and the system development department. [...] In the instances of Japan, automation, mechanization, and digitalization emerged as the most adopted management initiatives during the pandemic to overcome the challenging business environments. [...] In the case of the ROC and the ROK, all the case study firms were predominately in the manufacturing industries, but their pattern of management initiative adoption differed from that of Japan.
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