cover image: Catalysing Local Action for Clean Air - A Guidebook to Map Hyperlocal Sources of Air Pollution - Sairam Dhandapani, Priyanka Singh, Satyateja Subbarao, and K.S. Jayachandran


Catalysing Local Action for Clean Air - A Guidebook to Map Hyperlocal Sources of Air Pollution - Sairam Dhandapani, Priyanka Singh, Satyateja Subbarao, and K.S. Jayachandran

19 Mar 2024

efficiency in this protocol is achieved through proper At the same time, the reconnaissance data may be used route planning and systemising the procedure with the to assess the impact of the ULBs’ actions on the city’s air help of automation. [...] One of the The actual route (covered by a surveyor on the field) is primary components indicated for improving city air overlaid on the pre-set ward route plan to thoroughly quality in non-attainment cities, prescribed under NCAP evaluate spatial coverage at the end of each survey as well as the prerequisite for the release of the first day. [...] The composite score will be the sum of the time of the survey for capturing and documenting air all the individual rankings. [...] This will not only improve the overall air quality of the city but 3.5 Strengthening the efforts of Task will also provide a precedent for further research into the impact of these measures on the health of the people who Force deployed for implementation of live in these locations. [...] 18 Catalysing Local Action for Clean Air: A Guidebook to Map Hyperlocal Sources of Air Pollution Annexures Annexure 1: List of information collected in the survey Table A1 Detailed outline of the survey questions and description Survey field Description Date–time Timestamp at the start of capturing the source Image(s) of the source One/multiple picture(s) of the air pollution source Air pollution.
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