cover image: NATIONAL ENERGY AND CLIMATE PLAN ANALYSIS: HUNGARY - Assessment of Hungary’s NECP: Summary



19 Mar 2024

Preparing the gas Despite a decline in gas usage at home and in neighbouring countries, network for a the Hungarian draft NECP still sets out plans to enhance gas No data reduction in fossil gas infrastructure and diversify the country’s gas supply routes. [...] Assessing the feasibility and scale of gas networks to be decommissioned Although not in the European Commission’s guidelines, understanding the future utilisation of the distribution network and its eventual decommissioning is crucial to plan for the expected decrease in gas use. [...] Preparing the gas network for a reduction in fossil gas use Point 1.2 of the European Commission’s guidance for the NECP, “Increase energy security and affordability, towards a more resilient Energy Union”, specifies that “Member States are also encouraged to reflect progress and planning on the infrastructure projects that are identified as significant to meet the European Green Deal and the REPo. [...] This 14 European Commission, September 2023, Hungary - Draft Updated NECP 2021-2030, p.194 5 N A T I O N A L E N E R G Y A N D C L I M A T E P L A N A N A L Y S I S : H U N G A R Y contains several decisions on energy and climate planning, including […] the phasing out of fossil fuel subsidies, and the consideration. [...] In 8 N A T I O N A L E N E R G Y A N D C L I M A T E P L A N A N A L Y S I S : H U N G A R Y August 2022, Hungary signed another deal of up to 2.1 bcm annually with Russia, on top of the existing contracted volume.


Charlotte Liebrecht

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United Kingdom