cover image: Revision of the European Works Councils Directive: Stronger social dialogue in a multinational context


Revision of the European Works Councils Directive: Stronger social dialogue in a multinational context

20 Mar 2024

European Works Councils (EWCs) are bodies that should guarantee employees the right to be consulted on important issues in large multinational companies active in multiple EU countries. The possibility to set up EWCs was introduced 30 years ago and the rules were revised in 2009. However, with limited rights to information and little influence, EWCs have been criticised for being ineffective, on account of unclear definitions, non-dissuasive sanctions and ineffective access to justice. In February 2023, the European Parliament called for legislative action to address the shortcomings identified and strengthen the functioning of EWCs. In response, the European Commission consulted European social partners and put forward a proposal in January 2024 to revise the 2009 directive. The European Parliament's Committee on Employment and Social Affairs is preparing a report, with a view to securing a mandate for interinstitutional negotiations in the next legislative term. First edition. The 'EU Legislation in Progress' briefings are updated at key stages throughout the legislative procedure.
employment social policy eu member states


PAPE Marketa

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