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Support programmes and funding schemes: Cluster policies in the EU

18 Mar 2024

EU CLUSTERS TALKS – SUMMARY An initiative of the European Union Support programmes and funding schemes: Cluster policies in the EU The European Cluster Collaboration Platform, on behalf of the European Commission, organised the EU Clusters Talk “Support programmes and funding schemes: Cluster policies in the EU” on 21 February, 8:30 – 9:45 CET, to give an overview of different cluster policies tha. [...] She explained that, for the first time, the analysis of the cluster policies will be fed into the European Semester process. [...] Overview of cluster policies in the EU Jan-Philipp Kramer, Head of EU-Services, Prognos, team member of the European Cluster Collaboration Platform Jan-Philipp Kramer presented an overview of the initial insights from the updated 2023 cluster policy mapping, with a detailed discussion on the findings and the role of clusters in supporting cohesion policy programmes across the EU and beyond. [...] Regarding the question of how they see the future development of cluster policies, John Hobbs highlighted the effectiveness of cluster policies in Europe. [...] Monika Antonowicz emphasised the cooperation with the European Cluster Collaboration Platform and the European Commission.


Paul Knight

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