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Water for Peace ! But peace doesn’t come naturally from water cooperation

25 Mar 2024

If joint resource management and water diplomacy Hydropolitics Academy are to contribute to improved relations between riparian states or user groups, 1 Water for Peace This year, World Water Day focuses on the the- the key messages of World Water Day 2024 me 'Water for Peace', emphasising the important role of water in promoting har- mony and preventing conflict. [...] According to the Water can create peace or trigger United Nations, water can be both a source of conflict: it can increase tensions between nati- unity and a point of contention between com- ons with different needs and interests – especi- munities – especially when access to water is ally in a water-scarce region. [...] In addition, the decrease or increase in water resources directly affects sectors Water resources management is multi-purpose in such as the environment, agriculture, and every aspect. [...] This study aims to explain this emerging need Considering the risk of climate change in transboundary water agreements, it is ne- cessary to add flexibility and adaptation mechanisms to the transboundary water agreements. [...] Increasing droughts and floods related to climate change make the implementation of transboun- dary water agreements difficult and the manage- ment of water resources more complex 4 March 2024 News Coordinator: Dr.



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