cover image: A Growth Story for the 21 st - Century: building sustainable, resilient, and equitable


A Growth Story for the 21 st - Century: building sustainable, resilient, and equitable

11 Mar 2024

• The prize is the avoidance of a catastrophic future for the generations to follow and the creation of the growth story of the 21st century. [...] Requires: must: Predictability of Utilise the complementary strengths of different pools support to EMDEs of finance to ensure the right scale and kind of finance, particularly in relation to cost of capital and management of risk. [...] A shared, and growing understanding, of the potential and necessity of a new form of growth and development has been vital in making progress and building momentum. [...] 44 Economics and social sciences have never been more important but new thinking necessary across range of key concepts, perspectives, and analytical approaches; and urgency implies we must research and act at the same time The biggest obstacles to transformation to a new form of sustainable, resilient, and equitable growth and development lie in the economics, politics, and society. [...] A series of crises, the transformation of the world economy, and the recognit ion of the unsustainability of our economic methods and A world models, where gains in well-being are marred by environmental damage and social division, has prompted a re-evaluation of global redrawn objectives.
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United Kingdom