cover image: Transcript from Act on Poverty Week 5: Hopeful


Transcript from Act on Poverty Week 5: Hopeful

8 Mar 2024

And years later, working for Christian Aid, I visited former partners in Brazil and encountered campaigning and advocacy that was lifting millions of people out of poverty and I was sold on people-power and seeking justice. [...] One of the ways I've been part of that was through organising and taking part in the No Faith in Fossil Fuels Lent Vigil for climate justice, which was a collaboration of Christian Aid, Tearfund, Cafod, Christian Climate Action and others, and we held a vigil outside Parliament for 10 days, night and day, rain or shine - and there was quite a lot of rain! And it was an incredible 240 hours of pray. [...] And we were also lamenting, we were lamenting the climate crisis and the injustice that's being experienced by people in poverty around the world who have done the least to cause the problem. [...] I'm a bit of a natural pessimist, so my view of the world lands somewhere between seeing all of the problems, and all of the possible future problems, and a deep belief that there must be something better, that there's a promise and a vision of people being able to live life in all its fullness and of the Kingdom come. [...] When we look at any of the successful social movements in the past who’ve achieved amazing change, positive change - the civil rights movement in America, votes for women in the UK, land rights for landless people in India and Brazil, to the end of apartheid in South Africa - no one in those movements thought that they were in a successful movement.


Frances Clemson

Published in
United Kingdom