cover image: Monetizing Health Benefits of Offshore Wind Expansion and Demand Reduction Strategies in


Monetizing Health Benefits of Offshore Wind Expansion and Demand Reduction Strategies in

6 Mar 2024

In our analysis using the COBRA model to assess the statewide health benefits stemming from NOX and SO2 emissions reductions, the Synergistic Energy Integration scenario yields the largest benefit with an economic value ranging from $13.3 billion to $30 billion over the modeled time period of 2021 to 2035. [...] Our analysis centers on investigating the following scenarios outlined in the EMP to facilitate clean energy goals: • Scenario #1: Electricity Demand Reduction: In this scenario, we examine the impact of the electricity demand reduction goal of 20% by 2035, as proposed in the EMP, on the energy 4 mix and health benefits. [...] Drawing on the outcomes of the optimization model, the report presents Table 1, offering a summary of the projected emissions associated with the three strategies above. [...] This decision ensures the robustness and reliability of our optimization results in the short term, but will be the subject of future investigation in the long term. [...] Notably, the Synergistic Energy Integration emerges as the leading performer in terms of statewide health benefits, followed by the Wind Energy Expansion and Electricity Demand Reduction strategies, in that order, thereby showcasing the most favorable health metrics.
Published in
United States of America