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National Workforce Centre for Child Mental Health - Does labelling racism as

27 Mar 2024

Defining the connection • approach and practise cultural humility can help and differences between bullying and racism helps children and their families to challenge some of in framing responses to ensure tailored support the unhelpful assumptions caused by bullying and and cultural safety for families while addressing • racism.systemic conditions. [...] The Commissioner discrimination while accessing institutions and for Children and Young People of South Australia interventions that are not culturally responsive and (2018) found that the effects of experiencing and safe has a substantial and cumulative negative effect engaging in bullying in childhood are similar to on children’s mental health and wellbeing. [...] Their skills and wisdom have enabled them to Developing deep relationships with families and using respond to experiences of adversity and can their insights to inform assessments and interventions continue to inform responses to current problems is particularly valuable when families are striving to they are facing. [...] By acting as allies linguistically diverse children and families who and actively participating in anti-racist efforts, they experience racism to hear more from culturally diverse contribute to the support of children’s mental health practitioners and parents on the effects of racism. [...] and pervasive impact of being bullied in childhood and The intertwined issues of bullying and racism adolescence: Implications for policy and practice.
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