cover image: National Workforce Centre for Child Mental Health - Interpreting your Results


National Workforce Centre for Child Mental Health - Interpreting your Results

26 Mar 2024

What data are displayed within the Results The attributes outlined in Focus support an Wheels? ecological, intergenerational response to infants, children and families’ wellbeing and are designed The Organisational Survey and the Change Team to promote a systems approach to establishing Survey contain the same attributes. [...] – Change Team vs Organisation: An inner wheel The comparison option is changed and the Change displaying the collective results of your Change Team’s collective results are displayed in the inner Team, and an outer wheel displaying the wheel, while the outer wheel displays the collated collective results of your organisation. [...] The Change Team’s results for that attribute are now displayed in the inner wheel, while the outer wheel – Predominately pink in both wheels highlights the displays the Organisational Survey results. [...] It displays the collective results of your Change Team in the Data are further broken down in tables utilising the inner wheel, and the Organisational Survey in the colours of the Results Wheels and percentages outer wheel. [...] take the time to sit in the ambiguity and This will open the organisational attributes.
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