cover image: Supporting a community-led data infrastructure to build local and equitable governance that advances policy


Supporting a community-led data infrastructure to build local and equitable governance that advances policy

28 Mar 2024

This project originated from the observation that while many communities (particularly low-income communities and communities of color) want to lead data collection efforts that enable them to create and implement their own policy and programmatic agendas, traditional research designs and ecosystems do not generally enable this type of community leadership and engagement. Traditional research models in which communities are the subject of the research typically empower researchers and funders, because both types of entities control important levers of the research ecosystem. This includes the development of research questions, control of the research budget, latitude and incentives to publish without acknowledging community members as co-creators, and determining the locus of the funding.
infrastructure demographics & population u.s. states and territories society & culture governance studies race in public policy democracy, conflict, & governance election ’24: issues at stake


Gabriel R. Sanchez, Keon L. Gilbert, Kwadwo Frimpong, Camille Busette, Carly Bennett

Acknowledgements and disclosures
We would like to acknowledge the assistance of our fellow colleagues, intern Kaitlyn Jung, for imputing corresponding links for our citations, and research assistant Sade Cole in contributing to writing the opportunities and challenges of the CBPR section in the literature review. We also express our gratitude to Keesha Middlemass and Martinique Free for their review of our report and helpful critiques.Support for The Race, Prosperity, and Inclusion Initiative at Brookings was provided by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. The findings, interpretations, and conclusions in this report are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation or other funders. Brookings is committed to quality, independence, and impact in all of its work.
Published in
United States of America