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Why do we dislike inflation?

28 Mar 2024

Most Americans strongly dislike inflation and do not believe wage increases come close to offsetting price increases, suggests a paper to be discussed at the Brookings Papers on Economic Activity (BPEA) conference on March 28. "One view of economists is that after enough time has passed, wages will adjust to prices and ultimately things will be equivalent. But people perceive this to happen very slowly. They very much think that wages grow much more slowly than prices," the author, Stefanie Stantcheva of Harvard University, said in an interview with The Brookings Institution.
monetary policy u.s. economy economic studies brookings papers on economic activity election ’24: issues at stake


Stefanie Stantcheva

Acknowledgements and disclosures
David Skidmore authored the summary language for this paper. Chris Miller assisted with data visualization.
Published in
United States of America

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