cover image: Realize the Potential and Promise of Social Assistance Transformation.


Realize the Potential and Promise of Social Assistance Transformation.

18 Mar 2024

It is critical to realize the full potential and promise of social assistance transformation to help people gain employment but also to aid with preventing and helping low-income and vulnerable people move out of homelessness. [...] We respectfully continue to ask the government to proclaim all the amendments to the Ontario Works Act and to continue working with AMO to get the outcomes that we are all looking for. [...] Experts such as the Canadian Alliance to End Homelessness and the former UN Rapporteur on Housing continue to highlight the likelihood of a growing homelessness challenge in the absence of progress on both income security and a greater supply of deeply affordable housing. [...] AMO continues to call for rates for both Ontario Works and the Ontario Disability Support Program to be raised and indexed to inflation going forward. [...] AMO looks forward to continuing this discussion with the Ministry at the MOU table, at the Provincial-Municipal Social Assistance and Employment Committee (PMSAEC) table, and as part of a broader Social and Economic Prosperity Review.


Patrick Jerrett

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