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Modernizing medicare /

20 May 2015

Following the passage of the 2 federal Medical Care Act in 1966, the federal government offered to match provincial 3 Soroka, Stuart N. "Canadian perceptions of the health care system." Toronto: Health Council of Canada. [...] The Canada Health Act (CHA) was passed in 1984, combining the provisions set out in the original two pieces of legislation and updating them to re-affirm the federal government’s commitment to universal health care insurance. [...] The CHT is expressly dedicated to health care and is linked to the requirements of the CHA (the federal government can withhold one dollar of the CHT for every dollar collected through user fees and extra-billing). [...] For example, in Ontario, health care accounts for 42% of the provincial budget.13 Private funding covers pharmaceuticals and care provided by other health professionals and accounts for the remaining 29.5% of total spending. [...] MODERNIZING MEDICARE Canada’s health care system can be thought of as two sets of systems: single- payer systems for hospital and physician services and “residual” systems for all other services.16 Residual systems are those with a mix of private and public finance — some government programs are created to provide coverage to certain groups while the majority of the population relies on the privat
health government politics health care system mental health canada health economics health insurance health policy medical policy medical care medicine health care government budget obamacare medicare healthcare policy prescription drug health treatment health sciences government health care canadian institute for health information medical drugs province nice canada health act physician canada’s health care system economics of service industries


McKenna, Sarah, Steeve, Jamison

Published in
Ottawa, Ontario

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