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Promoting ethics when partnering with the private sector for development /

2 Sep 2014

Governments, United Nations (UN) agencies and others have committed to working with the private sector to achieve development outcomes in a number of major UN conferences, at the G-20 and in other high level fora.1 As the MDGs approach their deadline, the questions of how best to expand and enhance partnerships with the private sector to achieve the post-2015 development agenda is under much discu [...] For example, the joint statement on the role of the private sector in development at the Fourth High-Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness included the following principles to maximize the benefit of coordination and collaboration for development: inclusive dialogue; collective action; sustainability; transparency; and accountability for results (HLF4 2011, 2-3). [...] The Guidelines on Cooperation between the UN and the Business Sector defines partnership as ". a voluntary and collaborative agreement or arrangement between one or more parts of the United Nations system and the Business Sector, in which all participants agree to work together to achieve a common purpose or undertake a specific task and to share risks, responsibilities, resources, and benefits" ( [...] To ensure the effective and efficient achievement of development objectives, three UN organizations (UNESCO; FAO; International Labour Organization, ILO) and the UN Guidelines refer to accountability conditions that allow the measurement and verification of tasks and responsibilities of each partner. [...] Box 2. Excerpts on fairness Impartiality and independence … the principle of impartiality, meaning that the implementation of Actions must solely respond to identified needs, without discrimination of any kind; the principle of independence, which implies the autonomy of the humanitarian Action with regard to economic or other motivations as well as the principle of neutrality which means that, in
health human rights environment climate change accountability aid politics economics economy poverty corruption fao risk management evaluation un business corporate social responsibility culture economic assistance ethics philosophy public-private sector cooperation conflict of interest best practice transparency aid effectiveness development cooperation values society department for international development


Carney, Jason

Published in
Ottawa, Ontario

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