
Corruption is a form of dishonesty or criminal offense undertaken by a person or organization entrusted with a position of authority, to acquire illicit benefit or abuse power for one's private gain. Corruption may include many activities including bribery and embezzlement, though it may also involve practices that are legal in many countries. Political corruption occurs when an office-holder or other governmental employee acts in an official capacity for personal gain. Corruption is most commonplace in kleptocracies, oligarchies, narco-states and mafia states.Corruption and crime are endemic sociological occurrences which appear with regular frequency in virtually all countries on a global …



World Bank Group · 31 December 2024 English

means, collectively, all such plans. 2. "Anti-Corruption Guidelines" means, for purposes of paragraph "Guidelines on Preventing and Combating Fraud and Corruption in Projects Financed by IBRD Loans and IDA Credits

MP-IDSA: Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses · 26 July 2024 English

Since the end of the Second World War, the US’s engagement in South Asia has undergone changes in response to evolving geopolitical dynamics in the region and the global landscape. …

enforcement, weak regulatory bodies, poor anti-corruption measures, and inefficient judicial systems exacerbate landscapes of many South Asian countries, fostering corruption and crony capitalism. This environment provides unsustainable levels of indebtedness and fostering corruption and nepotism. Coalition Government Strives to

24 July 2024 English

Indeed, it is sad to expect that refugees would come from war zones in the wider Middle East and Africa, so when the UNHCR notes that 42% of the world’s …

Latin America have been known for violence and corruption, over the last 30 years, police reforms in some comprehensive, and must deal simultaneously with corruption in the police ranks, with violence, and with

ECPAT: End Child Prostitution in Asian Tourism · 24 July 2024 French

Les participants ont été formés De plus, les chercheurs de l’organisation sur la thématique de l’exploitation sexuelle non-gouvernementale Keoogo, partenaire des enfants dans le contexte des voyages et du projet …

des bus aux dans la région, est facilité par la corruption frontières ou pendant le trajet.56 et notamment

23 July 2024 French

Les « Directives volontaires visant à assurer la durabilité de la pêche artisanale » de la FAO de juin 2014 mettent en avant la création et la protection de zones …

Les enquêtes de l’EJF ont mis en évidence une corruption systémique « à pratiquement tous les niveaux navires européens pêchant au 18. Une affaire de corruption vient ternir la réputation de la Namibie : l’affaire

NITI Aayog: National Institution for Transforming India (NITI Aayog) · 22 July 2024 English

The economic reforms under way and the economic & institutional reforms on the agenda for the next few years, will sustain growth of per capita GDP at 7% during the …

of tax payments, and detection of evasion and corruption by a completely unbiased, expert AI system E-Kautilya specific rates which are of source of complexity and corruption, and which provide a disincentive to honest, land and real estate must be made smoother and corruption free. India’s Ease of Doing indicators have improved

IGIDR: Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research · 22 July 2024 English

The renewal will be at the sole discretion of the IGIDR and based on the performance of the bidder during the contract period. [...] ● If the selected bidder is …

any other IGIDR that may impinge on the anti-corruption principle. ● Integrity Pact in respect this contract through this agreement to avoid all forms of corruption by following a system that is fair, transparent the high cost and the distortionary impact of corruption on public procurement. RFP - IGIDR/Tender/2024/CC/05-R blemish or stain of corruption and the BUYER stays committed to prevent corruption, in any form, by its Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 or any other statute enacted for prevention of corruption. 7.3. The decision

ADB: Asian Development Bank · 20 July 2024 English

Rising inequality is directly related to vulnerability, and addressing inequality could reduce vulnerability to forced displacement.

such as conflict, a lack of governance, and corruption contribute to a state’s failure. Failed states functional. This can result in poor governance, corruption, and limited-service delivery; 2. political

RSIS: S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies · 19 July 2024 English

058 – 19 July 2024 The authors' views are their own and do not represent the official position of the Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies of the S. [...] …

strengthening party leadership, and combating corruption, amid external risks. mailto:RSISPublications@ntu

UNDP: United Nations Development Programme · 19 July 2024 English

In 2025, UN member states will hold the 4th International Conference on Financing for Development (FfD4) in Spain to agree on an ambitious global financing agenda that advances sustainable development. …

lead to a lack of financial integrity (breeding corruption, illicit financial flows, money laundering, embezzlement

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