cover image: STRATEGIC PLAN - Strong. Active. Influential. Libraries at the heart of our democracy.


STRATEGIC PLAN - Strong. Active. Influential. Libraries at the heart of our democracy.

5 Mar 2024

Supporting diversity and providing an inclusive and respectful organisation and member network is central to our values and principles of providing safe, accessible, and welcoming library and information services. [...] For over 85 years ALIA has brought together the library and information services workforce, institutions, and wider sector partners to advocate for the value and importance of libraries and the core values and beliefs they represent. [...] Within our membership… … we are a unified and empowered library and information services sector, equipped and ready to serve the community today and in the future. [...] They combine the need to invest in the foundations for the organisation; to build scale and connection in our membership; and to evolve how we work with and alongside others to strengthen our advocacy, workforce, and profile. [...] To stay relevant as an employer and to attract and retain our talent we will look at different ways to support and foster professional development and growth in response to needs of the organisation and individual.
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