Imports of major arms by states in Europe increased by 94 per cent between ș Arms exports by the USA 2014–18 and 2019–23, while the global volume of international arms trans- went up by 17 per cent between fers decreased marginally, by 3.3 per cent (see figure 1).1 There were overall 2014–18 and 2019–23, while decreases in arms transfers to all other regions, but states in Asia and Oceania those b. [...] The bulk of France’s arms exports in 2019–23 went to states in Asia and Oceania (42 per cent of arms exports) and the Middle East (34 per cent). [...] Africa Imports of major arms by African states fell by 52 per cent between 2014–18 and 2019–23, which was mainly due to decreases in the arms imports of the two largest importers in the region, Algeria (–77 per cent) and Morocco (–46 per cent). [...] The USA (accounting for 50 per cent of the regional total), Brazil (15 per cent) and Canada (11 per cent) were the top three importers of major arms in the region in 2019–23. [...] The UK, which accounted for 11 per cent of European arms imports, and the Netherlands (9.0 per cent) were the next biggest arms importers in the region.