cover image: Critical materials: assessing the EU strategy - Emmanuel Hache* & Emilie Normand**


Critical materials: assessing the EU strategy - Emmanuel Hache* & Emilie Normand**

6 Mar 2024

And the quick negotiations reflects the extreme importance attributed by the EU to this issue: the text was presented by the EC in March 2023 and the European Parliament and the Council reached a first agreement on the text in November. [...] The EBA was bolstered in its strategy by the announcement in July 2021 of the ban on the sale of thermal vehicles by 2035 as part of the European Green Deal. [...] Considering the magnitude of the required investments, it would be desirable for the EU to dedicate a specific budget and administrative resources to support "strategic projects," share costs and risks, and ensure the development of mining projects which are the most beneficial to the EU as a whole by compensating for the unequal distribution of mineral resources among Member States12. [...] - It might be relevant to set specific recycling targets for each of the strategic materials based on the maturity level of the chains and the characteristics of the consumer goods in which they are incorporated. [...] The EU could lead the way by initiating widespread discussions on the need to reduce the size and weight of vehicles, and the power of batteries, and by encouraging equipment 18 [1] Exchange between J.


Veblen Institute

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