cover image: Foundations-for-AUKUS-nuclear-powered-submarines-Perspectives-from-AUKUS-partners



2 Apr 2024

• As the three countries prepare for potential This is especially important in the Austral- changes of government in the United King- ian case, where the degree of public aware- dom and the United States this year, trilateral ness of the partnership, the costs incurred engagement through the bipartisan political and disagreement over the strategic ration- friendship groups in each country – the AU. [...] the scale of the task and the high degree of priority placed on AUKUS in the Australian system, as the Foundations for AUKUS nuclear-powered submarines: Perspectives from AUKUS partners 5 recipient of a new capability in the form of a fleet of In recent months, legislation was also introduced in SSNs, it is unsurprising that the bench of officials Australia to alter its export and information secu. [...] This is especially important Of the three countries, the strategic logic for in the Australian case, where the degree of AUKUS is most straightforward for the United public awareness of the partnership, the costs States. [...] The greatest tension for social Experts agreed that the realisation of AUKUS at the license at the political level in the United States is speed of relevance will depend on acceptance of the the logic of selling a scarce capability in a time of partnership among both local and national publics. [...] about or unfamiliar with the partnership.41 Experts • As the three countries prepare for a potential assessed that universities and think tanks in the change of government in the United Kingdom United Kingdom and the United States are yet to and the United States, trilateral engagement be seized by the opportunities entailed in AUKUS through the bipartisan political friendship cooperation.
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