cover image: Critical moments from the education journeys of rangatahi in Alternative Education


Critical moments from the education journeys of rangatahi in Alternative Education

22 Mar 2024

To report on insights gained from the stories, a cyclical process of encounters with the data from each of the teachers’ inquiries aided the development of individual rangatahi case studies and the analysis of themes deriving from across case studies. [...] CRITICAL MOMENTS FROM THE EDUCATION JOURNEYS OF RANGATAHI IN ALTERNATIVE EDUCATION SETTINGS: TEACHER INQUIRIES FOR TRANSFORMATION 10 FIGURE 3: Cyclical process of creating case studies From the original data set in Encounters 1 and 2, the academic research team and AE teachers, with input from research advisory members, read through each of the transcripts to identify themes. [...] Through sharing their stories, three themes emerged including the role of microaggressions and microaffirmations; the role of the social and cultural in education spaces; and the role of pedagogy on rangatahi engagement. [...] the work was like so much like so much, actual like real challenging stuff we have to do, and more strict as well.” CRITICAL MOMENTS FROM THE EDUCATION JOURNEYS OF RANGATAHI IN ALTERNATIVE EDUCATION SETTINGS: TEACHER INQUIRIES FOR TRANSFORMATION 15 In-school exclusion FIGURE 6: Avontales sent to the in-school withdrawal room The manipulation of the social space occurs in some schools through the u. [...] The role of the social and cultural in education spaces: The social and cultural contexts mediate all learning and need to be given equal attention in school planning as that of the academic curriculum.
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New Zealand