cover image: Organised by: CEV, EVBB & EESC LMO Report - In the session, the speakers Tatjana Babrauskiene (Labour Market Observatory – EESC member) and

Organised by: CEV, EVBB & EESC LMO Report - In the session, the speakers Tatjana Babrauskiene (Labour Market Observatory – EESC member) and

26 Mar 2024

Discussions encompassed the impact of the European Year of Skills 2023/2024, the inclusion of validation in National Skills strategies, and the accessibility of these processes for volunteers. [...] Policy recommendations from the project European Quality Standards in Validation of Learning from Volunteering (EQVAL) were reflected upon deepening the understanding of how validation could contribute to the objectives outlined in the Skills and Talent Mobility package, particularly in promoting and supporting the social inclusion of newcomers to Europe. [...] Evaluating the quality of the project is crucial to understanding its potential impact in the broader community and the volunteers involved. [...] The moderator and panellists highlighted the importance of the management of the projects to offer genuine needs-based community impact and real learning and validation of skills through this experience. [...] The session ended with a Q&A round after reflecting the last 3 questions of the Mentimeter that were: Participants were asked about the primary advantages of validating non-formal and informal learning for social inclusion and personal development.
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