cover image: Aboriginal women outperforming in labour markets / : Femmes autochtones font mieux en emploi

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Aboriginal women outperforming in labour markets / : Femmes autochtones font mieux en emploi

16 Jul 2015

Significant gains have Aboriginal Men 75 been observed for Aboriginal peoples, who saw the largest Non-Aboriginal Women Aboriginal Women declines in unemployment relative to the 2011 peak (Chart 70 3). [...] In contrast to declines in 1.0 participation among Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal men (down 3.2 and 2.0 percentage points respectively) as well 0.5 as Non-Aboriginal women (down 1.0 percentage points), 0.0 Non-Aboriginal Men Aboriginal Men Non-Aboriginal Aboriginal Women the participation rate among Aboriginal women rose by 1.2 Women Source: Statistics Canada, TD Economics. [...] This suggests that the shifts observed in female 18 employment are likely to continue in line with education 16 outcomes, alongside overall increases in the education level 14 of the Aboriginal population. [...] In particular, Aboriginal 2 women have led the way in the labour market, and are the 0 1996 2001 2006 2011 2016 2021 2026 2031 2036 only major population group to have seen rising employment Source: Statistics Canada, TD Economics. [...] These women have also made sig- nificant progress in joining the knowledge-based economy the Aboriginal population, it is expected that the share of - particularly in the higher paying sectors - although they the Aboriginal population with a bachelor degree or above remain more likely to be employed in accommodation and is likely to continue to expand (Chart 7), helping close the food services tha
higher education education economics economy school unemployment rate canada business employment investments labour labour economics salaries unemployment educational attainment college further education first nations indigenous peoples in canada educational attainment in the united states native women indian women financial crisis of 2007–2008


DePratto, Brian

Published in
Ottawa, Ontario

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