cover image: Learning indigenous science from place



Learning indigenous science from place

15 Nov 2008

The overall goal of the project was to investigate the inclusion of First Nations and Métis perspectives in the Saskatchewan school science curriculum as a way to improve the achievement levels of Aboriginal students. [...] Learning Indigenous Science from Place Page 11 Goals of the Study The underlying goals of the study include the following: • To explore the concept of Indigenous-based science education from the perspectives and experiences of teachers, Elders and other community members in First Nations and Métis community contexts in Saskatchewan; • To highlight best approaches, processes, and content used in Fi [...] The Assembly of First Nations represents most of the First Nations in Canada, stating, Historically the First Nations have a unique and special relationship with the Crown and the people of Canada, as manifested in treaties and other historical documents. [...] Parents, grandparents, and elders told and retold stories and legends to the children by the campfires, in the teepees, on the hillsides, in the forest, and at special gatherings during the day and at night. [...] But neither did the Métis generally have access to the public school system: the remoteness of some Métis communities, the incompatibility of seasonal work with the school year, and a policy which long ignored the plight of Métis communities all contributed to a lack of education for the Métis (Sealey and Lussier, 1980).
health education school teacher education curriculum science and technology psychology canada culture indigenous peoples philosophy science social sciences assessment cognition community educational inclusion further education curricula teaching and learning native peoples canadian indian residential school system assembly of first nations behavior modification cognitive science learn learners learner beliefs
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