87 87 87 - Navigating a world of constraints. - Developmentalism, industrial policy, and the


87 87 87 - Navigating a world of constraints. - Developmentalism, industrial policy, and the

21 Feb 2024

Ultimately, the thesis concludes by reflecting on the overall failure to achieve industrialization in Ethiopia, the vulnerabilities of developmentalism in the face of persistent internal and exter- nal constraints, and the uncertain future of interventionist industrial policy in the country. [...] On a fundamental level, this work is concerned with the interactions of an agent, the Ethiopian state, with the structures of the world economy and the actions of other, often more powerful agents, both of which constrain the scope for action of the former. [...] The rise of monopolies and the fusion of industrial and finance capital, underpinned by problems of domestic capital reali- zation, led to this expansion of the capitalist mode of production into the hitherto non-capitalist parts of the globe. [...] Voluntary transfers, on the other hand, which have become the primary mode of transfer today, are “based exclusively on the self- interest of the owners of the resources that are being transferred, the most prominent examples being the emigration of workers and the ‘flight of capital’” (Arrighi 1990: 13). [...] As used here, the latter refers to the fact that the absolute or relative poverty of peripheral and semiperipheral states continually induces their rulers and subjects to participate in the world division of labor for marginal rewards that leave the bulk of the benefits to the rulers and subjects of core states.


Aaron Gruber

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Title in English
87 87 87 - Navigating a World of Constraints. - Developmentalism, Industrial Policy, and the [from PDF Fonts]