- Disclosure Date
- 2024/04/03
- Disclosure Status
- Disclosed
- Doc Name
- Disclosable Version of the ISR - Resilient Infrastructure for Adaptation and Vulnerability Reduction - P173312 - Sequence No : 4
- Lending Instrument
- Investment Project Financing
- Product Line
- Published in
- United States of America
- Rel Proj ID
- BD-Resilient Infrastructure For Adaptation And Vulnerability Reduc -- P173312
- Sector
- Other Public Administration
- TF No/Name
- TF0B3626-Improving Planning and Design of Resilient Infrastructure
- Theme
- Disaster Risk Management,Disaster Preparedness,Disaster Risk Reduction,Mitigation,Disaster Response and Recovery,Participation and Civic Engagement,Gender,Human Development and Gender,Data Development and Capacity Building,Rural Development,Social Development and Protection,Environment and Natural Resource Management,Disease Control,Pandemic Response,Public Sector Management,Rural Infrastructure and service delivery,Climate change,Urban and Rural Development,Adaptation,Geospatial Services,Data production, accessibility and use,Social Inclusion,Flood and Drought Risk Management
- Unit Owning
- SAR- Climate Change and DRM (SSACD)
- Version Type
- Final