cover image: Tool Suite 4 - Addressing GBVH and Building Respectful Workplaces : Tools to Help Companies Create Respectful Workplaces and Respond to Gender-based Violence and Harassment (GBVH) (English)

Tool Suite 4 - Addressing GBVH and Building Respectful Workplaces : Tools to Help Companies Create Respectful Workplaces and Respond to Gender-based Violence and Harassment (GBVH) (English)

2 Apr 2024

Any company seeking to address gender-based violence and harassment (GBVH) must ensure that it is meeting minimum obligations to provide a safe workplace by addressing bullying and sexual harassment and taking steps to prevent sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA) connected to the workplace. These steps are essential to building a respectful corporate culture and will allow you to support your employees further by responding to domestic or sexual
gender and employment world violence prevention gender and economic empowerment gender and growth gender and macroeconomic policies


World Bank

Disclosure Date
Disclosure Status
Doc Name
Tool Suite 4 - Addressing GBVH and Building Respectful Workplaces : Tools to Help Companies Create Respectful Workplaces and Respond to Gender-based Violence and Harassment (GBVH)
Originating Unit
CSBWB - Women in Business
Published in
United States of America
Unit Owning
CSBWB - Women in Business
Version Type
Volume No