cover image: Webinar 13: Enhancing Access to Climate Finance under the AF new Funding Windows


Webinar 13: Enhancing Access to Climate Finance under the AF new Funding Windows

25 Mar 2024

This webinar discussed how to enhance access to the above funding windows and shared experiences and learning from NIEs that have already accessed the afore-mentioned grants under the MTS funding windows. [...] Finally, as part of the Readiness Programme, the Adaptation Fund Board at its thirty-sixth meeting, decided to make the Readiness Package Grant available to support the accreditation of NIEs through South-South Cooperation and to enhance access to the Fund’s resources through the Direct Access modality. [...] Ishani Debnath, Readiness consultant at AFB highlighted the goals and purpose of the readiness package grants along with their eligibility criteria and funding cap with the upcoming deadlines to apply for the grant and the application process. [...] They highlighted the challenges faced when accessing the grants and shared their advice to NIE’s to aid access to the Grants. [...] Aissata Sall from CSE, Senegal gave a overview on the challenges of accessing learning grants, which included difficulties in understanding the scope of the learning grant and what kind of tools from the implementation of AF projects were included into the grant.


Ishani Debnath

Published in
United States of America