cover image: Bosnia and Herzegovina at a Euro-Atlantic Crossroads:  Introducing a ‘New Security’ Pact


Bosnia and Herzegovina at a Euro-Atlantic Crossroads: Introducing a ‘New Security’ Pact

29 Mar 2024

Threats Light Infantry Battalion group to NATO combat to peace and security in BiH underline the importance readiness standards This allows the AFBiH to directly of Euro-Atlantic integration and require clear, cohesive contribute to NATO’s deterrence posture across the cooperation between NATO and EUFOR in the country continent Furthermore, through regular Partnership for Peace activities, BiH has. [...] The stagnation of BiH’s valued at between $48 million and $53 million, NATO accession and constant state of uncertainty is focuses on strengthening the country’s defense with a deliberate strategy aimed at excluding BiH from the nine projects and its security apparatus with three Euro-Atlantic community projects in cyber defense, crisis management, and counterterrorism. [...] In the next five years, the package Regional Threats to BiH implementation will contribute to the strengthening of NATO standards and practices in BiH while further Moscow sees Dodik’s efforts to undermine Western ensuring military interoperability between the Armed support for BiH’s NATO and EU path as part of a Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina (AFBiH) and NATO larger geopolitical mosaic, drawing. [...] aggression toward BiH as a common way of defending Christianity and European culture and aligning views The possibility of such a scenario raises questions against a mutual enemy Such rhetoric of intolerance over NATO’s response and EUFOR’s readiness has real, tragic consequences, best reflected in the rising number of attacks on predominantly Political and Strategic Limitations of EUFOR Bosniak r. [...] He is a former Partnership for Peace Fellow at the NATO Defense College and served as an adviser to the minister of security of Bosnia and Herzegovina He has published on issues of Western Balkans, Bosnia and Herzegovina, US policy toward the region, and energy security for numerous outlets, including RUSI, The National Interest, New Eastern Europe, Just Security, CEPA, NATO Defense College, and o.
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United States of America