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27 Mar 2024

- Provides interpretations, legal advice, determinations and opinions on a wide range of extraordinary, novel, controversial and complex issues and questions involving the application of advanced legal theories, concepts, principles and processes of law and procedure. [...] - Performs significant analysis and evaluation of various alternative strategies, theories and approaches in the: (i) development of LPO and DOE interpretations of applicable law; (ii) providing legal advice to the LPO and DOE, and (iii) LPO determinations and opinions. [...] - Prepares memoranda, opinions, and other documents supporting legal advice on the effect of regulations, rules, orders briefs, and other legal documents on the LPO and the loans and loan guarantees that it makes, issues and administers. [...] - Interprets and advises on: (a) Title XVII, ATVM, TELGP; (b) section 406 of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, the Alaska Natural Gas Pipeline Act and other federal loan and loan guarantee programs; (b) matters related to energy related project financing and 3 regulatory requirements of general applicability; (c) the Federal Credit Reform Act of 1990 and 0MB Circular A-129; and (d) the N. [...] - Prepares legal memoranda and reports on basic laws of broad scope and impact; - Recommends amendments to existing laws, drafts proposed legislation, and reviews and comments on legislation proposed by members of Congress and other agencies to determine the potential impact on DOE and LPO activities.


Mcfadden, Sherrill

Published in
United States of America