cover image: Technical Review Panel Observations Report - C19RM Portfolio Optimization Wave 2


Technical Review Panel Observations Report - C19RM Portfolio Optimization Wave 2

18 Mar 2024

Overall, the TRP reviewers considered 96.3% of the PO Wave 2 funding requests to deliver strategically focused and technically sound responses that were aligned with the C19RM strategic shift to strengthen systems for health and Pandemic Preparedness and Response (PPR), demonstrating potential for impact. [...] To provide the TRP with greater visibility of C19RM investments and an opportunity for GC7 reviews and observations to include recommendations and lessons arising from the C19RM funding stream to enhance complementarity with GC7 grants. [...] The TRP considered the number (12) and expertise of reviewers (PPR, RSSH, EHRG) to be adequate and aligned with the key priorities of the C19RM extension while complementing existing CTAG expertise. [...] 8.1 Strategic focus and technical soundness of funding requests The TIN emphasizes the importance of the care pathway that would lead people presenting with respiratory compromise at any level of the health system to be referred to the appropriate level of care. [...] Based on the visibility provided in the funding requests and supporting documents, the TRP considered 86.5% of the overall reinvestment proposals to be appropriately in line with the strategic shift from pandemic response to systems strengthening activities, including priority funding needs aligned with the C19RM technical information note.
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