cover image: Regional baseline assessment on forced labour, unfair and unethical recruitment practices


Regional baseline assessment on forced labour, unfair and unethical recruitment practices

2 Apr 2024

SYNTHESIS AND ANALYSIS OF TRAFFICKING IN PERSONS AND FORCED LABOUR IN THE SADC REGION 123 20.1 Labour market situation and labour recruitment practices in the southern african region 123 20.2 Southern african regional outlook of trafficking in persons and forced labour 124 20.3 Risk factors and causes of trafficking and forced labour in the SADC region 127 20.4 Groups vulnerable to trafficking and. [...] The exploitation help address the current situation of forced of migrants often begins in the country of labour, trafficking in persons and unfair or origin and extends through to the country of unethical recruitment of labour in the Southern destination. [...] What is clear from the assessment is that most Member States are still in the early (c) Strengthen the human and financial stages of developing an understanding of resource capacity of existing institutions the nature, magnitude and scale of the to deal with forced labour and trafficking problems of trafficking and forced labour, and situations in the region. [...] forced labour, trafficking in persons and modern slavery) in the SADC and IOC region? • Which demographic groups are vulnerable to the different forms of exploitation related to forced labour, trafficking in persons and modern slavery? • How do the different forms of forced labour and trafficking in persons manifest in the different sectors? • What are the prevalent risk factors of forced labour a. [...] ANGOLA 4.6 to combat the phenomenon of trafficking in LEGAL AND LEGISLATIVE persons in the country under the direction FRAMEWORKS ADOPTED of the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights IN THE COUNTRY and the Ministry of Social Assistance and Reintegration.
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