cover image: Fair decarbonisation of housing in the


Fair decarbonisation of housing in the

22 Mar 2024

A wealth of recent research is highlighting the responsibility for emissions of the top 10% of households, the top 1% and the top 0.1% in the UK and the global North as a whole (Gough 2017; Baltruszewicz et al. [...] We now consider two lower thresholds, or ‘floors’, for housing space: The bedroom standard The floorspace standard The bedroom standard The ‘bedroom standard’ is commonly used in UK housing statistics and by social landlords as the measure of minimum sufficient housing space in relation to the composition of households. [...] Minimum income standard: Social housing (renting) Of interest is the distinction between the super-rich and the wealthy, and between the wealthy and the comfortable. [...] The carbon footprint of housing in England Two sources of carbon emissions from housing must be distinguished: Emissions from adding to the housing stock: new construction and improvements Emissions from operating the housing stock, including space heating, domestic activities and maintenance and repairs In our analysis, we focus on the emissions from operating the existing housing stock. [...] Analogous to this, we calculate the share of emissions stemming from the sufficiency space (below the ceiling and above the floor) and the share of emissions stemming from the space devoted to meeting needs.


Charlotte Rogers

Published in
United Kingdom