cover image: RE FORM - CLOSE ENOUGH TO CARE  - A new structure for the English health and


RE FORM - CLOSE ENOUGH TO CARE - A new structure for the English health and

1 Apr 2024

Though responsibility for health reaches far beyond the health and care system – and the recommendations put forward reflect that – this paper considers healthcare (largely the NHS), the public health system, and adult social care to be the three core components of England’s health system. [...] 9 ` CLOSE ENOUGH TO CARE 2.1.1 The role of the centre The departments Ultimate responsibility for England’s health and care system lies with the Secretary of State (SoS) for Health and Social Care, who heads up the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC). [...] This strategy sets out how the assessed needs of the ICS area should be met by the functions of the ICB.18 The ICP draws on Joint Strategic Needs Assessments (prepared by local health and wellbeing boards) to inform the integrated care strategy.19 In turn, ICBs are required to use the integrated care strategy to prepare a five-year joint forward plan with trusts and local authorities in their area. [...] In 2015, the ten boroughs of Greater Manchester secured an agreement with NHS England to take “devolved control” over the £6 billion annual budget for health and social care for the 2.8 million people in the city region.44 This occurred at the same time as the GMCA took responsibility for a range of other public services including transport, planning, skills and economic regeneration and the posit. [...] 3.1 The benefits of devolution Internationally, the devolution of health governance from a national to a regional and local level has been advocated as a strategy to enhance efficiency and improve population health.48 The logic of devolution is based on the presumption that “smaller organisations, properly structured and steered are inherently more agile and accountable than are larger organisatio.


Patrick King

Published in
United Kingdom