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5 Mar 2024

The programme has also supported the identification and prioritisation of research gaps and developed tools and training materials to improve the targeting, conduct and uptake of research in humanitarian contexts. [...] Capacity-building and connectivity impacts: Interestingly, given that R2HC lacks a capacity- building mandate, the most common RQ+ impacts were in the domain of capacity-strengthening and networking: projects had significantly increased the capacities of individuals, organisations, and partnerships to conduct, promote and broker more humanitarian research after the end of the grant. [...] In addition to the standard quality assessment tools around methods and relevance and innovation, it sees mutuality and fairness of partnerships; engagement with local knowledge; operational relevance; and the appropriate dissemination and communication of findings all as dimensions of quality.2 It also considers the role and challenges of the research context and the effects of this on the qualit. [...] In spite of this variance in the strength and independence of evidence in the different project materials, our coverage of the R2HC portfolio was substantial (we have project-level evidence for 45 (67%) of the 67 studies that were closed and eligible for assessment when the evaluation started) and we are therefore confident in our overall findings. [...] These assumptions concern the design of research calls; the balance between open and thematic calls; the governance of the selection process; and the criteria for selection of successful projects.


Liz Rawlins

Published in
United Kingdom